
  • Taking your prenatal vitamin consistently is the best insurance policy. Make sure they include folate/folic acid and iron. Read more about vitamin options here.

  • Nutritious eating during pregnancy isn’t wildly different than nutritious eating for normal life, so if you were a pretty healthy eater beforehand, no need to make major changes

  • Devote a little extra effort towards protein, healthy fats, folic acid, iron and calcium:

    • A couple “superfoods” that knock off a bunch of these: eggs, greek yogurt, beans/lentils, salmon, and fortified bread (Dave’s is great) or fortified cereal (Multigrain Cheerios and Total Bran are awesome for iron + folate)

    • If vegetarian, ensure you’re getting enough protein & iron - foods that provide both include beans/lentils, chia seeds, tofu/tempeh, nuts, quinoa

    • If lactose intolerant, ensure you’re getting enough calcium through leafy greens (kale/spinach), almonds, beans, edamame, salmon, fortified orange juice

    • If you previously avoided fats, this is the time to ease up and embrace healthy fats in avocados, nuts, non-skim milk and yogurt

  • Smoothies are a really efficient way to pack in a lot of nutrients - try to combine greens (e.g. frozen spinach/kale) with protein (e.g. milk, greek yogurt, protein powder), fat (e.g. peanut/almond butter, avocado) and fruit for sweetness (dates, frozen berries, frozen banana)

  • Off-limits foods include rare meat, unwashed produce, queso fresco, deli turkey, high-mercury fish, raw shellfish and anything that’s been in the fridge too long. Sushi and other deli meats are in a gray area, so opt for only high-quality sushi and consider warming up deli meats. More info in Do’s, Don’ts and Gray Areas.

Key Nutrients Symptom Management Weight Gain
First Trimester Folic Acid: key during this period as it prevents neural tube defects.

Examples: citrus, strawberries, fortified cereal, beets, beans, nuts, broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts
Nausea: have smaller, more frequent meals; foods that may help are bananas, applesauce, ginger, cold foods (smoothies, yogurt), pretzels, toast 2-4 lbs

no need to consume extra calories
Second Trimester Iron: key during this period as your blood supply increases by up to 50%

Examples: red meat, chicken, chickpeas, peas, quinoa, kale

Vitamin C: helps with iron absorption

Constipation: constipation is especially common if taking iron supplements. High fiber foods like oatmeal and avocado help

Gestational Diabetes: if diagnosed, will have to limit carbs and pair them with fat/protein to avoid blood sugar spikes. More info here
12-14 lbs

consume 300-350 extra daily calories
Third Trimester Protein & Fats (esp omega-3s): essential as baby is putting on pounds the fastest and brain is developing

Examples of protein: cottage cheese, lean-meat, chicken, eggs, soy

Examples of fatty acids: walnuts, salmon, tuna, chia, flaxseed
Leg cramps: avocados and bananas help due to potassium and magnesium content

Heartburn: avoid spicy or fried foods, citrus may also exacerbate; don’t eat right before bedtime
8-10 lbs

consume 500 extra daily calories

Behavioral Do’s, Don’ts and Gray Areas

